The Green Fairy – Teika Marija Smits

The Green Fairy

Not Kylie, CGI-flying above a celluloid Moulin Rouge
in impossible wings, impossibly sparkly.
Nor a Bohemian beauty, translucent in oils on a canvas,
inspiring/taunting the poverty-stricken artist.
Neither a vision in green, emerging genie-like,
from a bottle, intoxicated, intoxicating.

But a middle-aged woman with brittle hair,
caught in the contours of a wine glass –
her eyes as green as the absinthe,
and as knowing as the marketers who never,
not once,
portrayed the green fairy
as anything other than


Teika Marija Smits is a writer, editor and mother-of-two. Her poetry and prose have been widely published, and her debut poetry pamphlet, Russian Doll, is to be published by Indigo Dreams Publishing in 2021. @MarijaSmits.

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